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The huge risk of neglecting – and not really understanding – LinkedIn

Sep 20, 2023

Understanding LinkedIn transformed my business: by a social media skeptic

Shlomo Friedman, partner at Imperial Real estate, is a master networker, relationship-builder, and salesperson. He was convinced these skills could not be transferred to the digital space – until he met a guy by the name of Joel Freund…

After this hands-on workshop crafted specifically for executives and marketers, you’ll come away with:

  • Understanding of why LinkedIn matters
  • Clarity about whether LinkedIn is the right place for you to invest your time and effort
  • Practical pointers on implementing and expanding your networking abilities digitally and at scale
  • Overview of The Five C’s of LinkedIn success
  • LinkedIn starter kit: includes a coupon to get your free professional headshot at our booth, LinkedIn profile headline formulas, and three weeks’ worth of detailed content prompts) 


Shlomo Friedman, Partner - Fluex Media

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