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The Rico Group, Inc. Stand: B1006

Build Your brand with quality SEO & PPC

With increased website traffic comes higher conversion rates, more customers, and higher revenues. We help you engage, inform, entertain, and tell your unique story to your target audience.

You need to establish a trustworthy and credible brand to achieve long-term growth in your industry. Here at The Rico Group, we provide an array of solutions, both online and offline, to help you build and maintain a strong brand.

We offer search engine optimization (SEO) to attract potential buyers and customers to your website. Better rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) is a substantial indication of a company’s authority and influence. With a good SEO strategy, you can ensure that your target audience will find your business online, when they search for a product or service related to your business, using search engines like Google and Bing.

SEO is inexpensive, organic, sustainable, and if done really well, can boost your revenues.

Making SEO Work for Your Company

We cannot overstate the importance and relevance of good SEO. Most customers turn to search engines to start their buying journey. Typically 60% to 70% of the buying decision has already been made through the research portion of the buying process, with most of that research being conducted online. Optimizing your website for search engines offers you a real chance to rank organically in results pages, which will ultimately lead to higher website traffic, conversion rates, and customers.

However, achieving better placement takes plenty of hard work, patience, and dedication. Having an in-house team that knows SEO inside and out is fantastic… but choosing us as your partner is even smarter.

Our solutions seamlessly and effectively combine digital + analog marketing tactics to drive better results for your B2B business. No matter what product or service you sell, we understand the specific facets of creating marketing strategies to help B2B companies grow and can help you use SEO to solidify your online presence.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing = Leads and Increased Sales

Pay-per-click (PPC) is a form of paid advertising that offers an instant boost in web traffic and lead collection efforts. Whether you’re a small mom-and-pop shop or a large company with an established clientele, PPC offers a flexible and budget-oriented platform for distributing your ads.

PPC is an inexpensive and scalable advertising method that helps businesses connect their ads with web users who are actively seeking their products or services. When a potential customer uses search engines or other platforms to search for products related to your company, that user will see your ads. The ad publisher, such as Google AdWords or Facebook Ads, will only charge you when that user takes action (or clicks on your ad).

Here are some of the benefits of PPC ads to give you a better idea of how they can help your industrial business:

  • CONTEXTUAL – The beauty of PPC is location-centric algorithms designed to make the browsing experience clutter-free. Ads will only be displayed on pages with relevant content or searches.
  • TARGETED – PPC is not only contextual; it is also highly targeted and focused. This way, you are getting more out of your marketing budget. Keywords and themes are selected to achieve maximum relevance.
  • MEASURABLE – Utilizing reputable PPC platforms (such as Google AdWords) you will have full monitoring access for all of your ad campaigns. You can do keyword research, bid for the most relevant keywords in your niche, and track how each campaign is performing based on a range of metrics.

Let’s face it – the online advertising space is crowded! You need a dedicated PPC team working on your campaigns, competing for better ad placements on your behalf, and guiding you in the right direction. This is where The Rico Group comes in. Our PPC team will handle your campaigns from start to finish, ensuring that your PPC strategy is delivering value to your business and customers.


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