Tips to improve engagement, revenue and ROI by utilizing digital catalogs. Learn how to widen your reach by including digital flipbooks, catalogs, and other collateral into your marketing strategy.
The powerhouse behind the digital frontier where commerce and creativity converge is digital flipbooks.
Here Wes Morton (founder and CEO, Creativ Strategies) speaks to creative leaders from across the industry about their secrets to managing, retaining, and getting the best work out of creative talent.
In addition to these 21 G2 badges, we have been ranked #1 in eight of G2’s Summer Reports: Rated #1 for Marketing Account Intelligence in the UK Rated #1 for Marketing Account Intelligence in Europe R
Marketing investment. How much is too much? How much is enough?
Some of the perils that uninsured businesses face include significant financial loss, legal risks, reputational damage, breach of contract, and lost business opportunity.
Grazitti Interactive, a global digital services provider, is thrilled to be recognized as a ‘Product Challenger’ and ‘Contender’ in the 2023 ISG Provider Lens™ Salesforce Ecosystem Partners report. We
Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to bring great benefits to humanity, but at the same time to be the executioner of many collaborators.
Grazitti Interactive, a leading digital transformation company, is proud to announce its recognition as an Adobe Silver Technology Partner. This partnership is a testament to the company’s deep expert
Grazitti Interactive, a global digital services provider and innovation leader, has been recognized as a 2023 Premier Partner by Google. The Premier Partner badge is reserved for the top 3% of compani
Lead Forensics joins other well-known tech companies on the list such as Zendesk, Salesloft, Hubspot, and Hootsuite. “We are thrilled to be recognized by G2’s Best Software Awards as one of the highes
“We are thrilled to be recognized by G2’s Best Software Awards as one of the best software products in the world,” said Lilah Waite, CMO of Lead Forensics. “This award is a testament to our commitment
Other companies on the list include software giants such as HubSpot, Microsoft, Salesforce, Adobe, and Paypal. Our inclusion in the Top 100 Software Companies list is a clear testament to our unwaveri
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Creativ Strategies, the full-service marketing consultancy for media and tech brands, confirms an impressive start with over $525,000 in revenue.